True Passion


About TanzaniceAgrofood Ltd

Perunamestarit Oy was one of the private partners in SPDP (Seedpotato development project) funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland on southern Tanzania on years 2012-15. During that project the observations were clearly showing a huge potential of Tanzanian agriculture and food value chains. Based on those views our company partnered with Finnpartnership in a project ”Value for Potato” in 2015. First activities were partner identification and key person recruiting and training.

Our main products are seed and ware potatoes and fruits and vegetables. Our potatoes farm and contract farming program are located on Iringa, Tanzania. Production and training are based on finnish know-how and technology. In training project is target to built competence transfer from Finland to Tanzanian farmers, program is including 1500 farmers. Also we are testing and introducing new potato varieties with European breeders HZPC and Europlant. New varieties can give higher yields and better quality for example potato processing.

Tanzanice Agrofoods ltd is exporting fruits, at first organic avocados for European market. Production is based on small farmers contracts. Over 200 farmers are trained and got Organic and Global GAP certificates. GRASP certificate will be also ready on February 2020. Next products are under process: Passion fruit, ginger, turmeric, pineapple and lime.

The company is employing 20 Tanzanians fulltime and over 150 seasonal workers. Tanzanice Agrofoods is developing sustainable value chains for agricultural and horticultural products of Tanzanian farmers, targeting local and global market.

Mission statement

To build market driven, sustainable value chains for East African agricultural products 

Vision of the company

To become a strong East African brand in fresh and processed products.

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